Wera TV

Zyklop Pocket - Hikaye - Animasyon: Entegre bits hazneli Kompakt Zyklop cırcır

Zyklop Pocket - Hikaye - Animasyon: Entegre bits hazneli Kompakt Zyklop cırcır

Cebinize uygun bits hazneli kompakt Zyklop Cırcır. ¼" bağlantılı bitsler ve 3/8" soketli lokmalar için manyetik doğrudan mandrenli. Kilitlenmeyen tutucusu sayesinde çok hızlı alet değiştirme. Cırcır kafa 0°, 15° ve 90°'de kilitlenebilir. Bu sayede alet; cırcır veya cırcırlı tornavida olarak da kullanılabilir. 72 ince dişli cırcır mekanizması sadece 5 derecelik düşük bir geri dönüş açısı sağlar. Sapa entegre edilmiş 12 adet bits sayesinde geniş uygulama yelpazesi söz konusudur. Sağlam cırcır mekanizması yeterli torku sağlar. Zyklop cırcır ile 12 parçalı tornavida setinin mükemmel kombinasyonu.

Kraftform Kompakt 900 - Hikaye - Animasyon: Manuel darbeli vidalama fonksiyonuna sahip kompakt ve sağlam değiştirilebilir geçmeli uçlu tornavida seti

Kraftform Kompakt 900 - Hikaye - Animasyon: Manuel darbeli vidalama fonksiyonuna sahip kompakt ve sağlam değiştirilebilir geçmeli uçlu tornavida seti

921 darbeli tornavida, manüel darbeli tornavidaların, kompakt aletlerin ve yekpare şaftlı tornavidaların avantajlarını bir araya getirir. Darbeli tornavida fonksiyonuyla 25 Nm'ye kadar gevşetme torku üretilebilir. Sağlam bits tutucu, farklı vida profilleri için çeşitli özel bitsleri tutabilir. Kesintisiz/yekpare şaft, kayıpsız güç aktarımı sağlar. Darbeli anahtar fonksiyonu ve tornavida fonksiyonu ihtiyaca göre kullanılabilir.

Safe-Torque - Hikaye - Animasyon: Slip-over serbest bırakma mekanizması - ayarlanan tork değeri bu nedenle asla aşılamaz

Safe-Torque - Hikaye - Animasyon: Slip-over serbest bırakma mekanizması - ayarlanan tork değeri bu nedenle asla aşılamaz

Serbest bırakma mekanizmalı tork anahtarı. Ayarlanan tork değerine ulaşıldığında, alet aşırı sıkılamaz ve aşırı tork uygulanmasını önler. Kontrollü saat yönünde ve saat yönünün tersine sıkma için 2 ila 12 Nm tork ayar aralığı. Önceden ayarlanmış değerin kolayca ayarlanması ve sabitlenmesi: Ölçek değerlerine ulaşıldığında duyulan hissedilebilir klik sesi, istenen tork değerinin güvenli bir şekilde ayarlanmasını da kolaylaştırır. Tork fonksiyonu olmayan standart bir cırcır olarak kullanım için tork kilidi fonksiyonlu. DIN 3122 uyarınca ¼" kare sürücünün maksimum kırılma torku. Geri dönüş açısı sadece 5 derecedir. Böylece cırcır dar çalışma koşullarında da kullanılabilir. Bu nedenle dönüş açısı uygulamaları için de kullanılabilir.

4'ü 1 arada uçlar - Hikaye - Animasyon: Yenilikçi, son derece kompakt 4 farklı bits- dört farklı vida boyutu için sadece bir bits

4'ü 1 arada uçlar - Hikaye - Animasyon: Yenilikçi, son derece kompakt 4 farklı bits- dört farklı vida boyutu için sadece bir bits

Dört farklı vida profili tek bir bits ile çalıştırılabilir. %50'nin üzerinde ciddi ağırlık tasarrufu.

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA - Hikaye - Animasyon: İnce dişli entegre cırcır, hızlı ve güvenli çalışma sağlar

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA - Hikaye - Animasyon: İnce dişli entegre cırcır, hızlı ve güvenli çalışma sağlar

İnce dişli (80 diş/ geri dönüş açısı 4,5°) entegre cırcır, sıkıcı yeniden ayarlama olmadan vidalama işlemini basitleştirir ve hızlandırır. Cırcır mekanizması tamamen sapa gömülüdür, bu da kullanımı çok kolay ve rahat hale getirir. Tek elle kullanımda rahat sağ/sol yön değişimi için yön değiştirme halkalıdır. Sapın ergonomik şekli avuç içini tam doldurur, parmaklar yumuşak yuvarlatılmış girintili tutma yerlerinde güvenli bir şekilde uzanır. Elin tamamı sapla temas halinde olduğundan el ile sap arasındaki sürtünme kayıpları en aza indirilir. DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 ve E 6.3 standardındaki 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı bitsler için uygundur. Hızlı bits değişimi için Rapidaptor teknolojisiyle. 89 mm uzunluğunda ¼" altıgen bağlantılı 16 adet sert bits, üniversal kullanım için.

6004 Joker - Hikaye - Animasyon: Kendinden ayarlı, ayarlanabilir açık ağız kurbağacık anahtar

6004 Joker - Hikaye - Animasyon: Kendinden ayarlı, ayarlanabilir açık ağız kurbağacık anahtar

Birçok kullanıcı mümkün olan en geniş uygulama yelpazesine sahip üniversal bir vidalama aleti ister. Çeşitli metrik ve emperyal boyutlar için tek bir alet olmalıdır. Farklı vida boyutlarına otomatik olarak uyum sağlamalıdır. Güvenli bir şekilde kavramalı, hiçbir şeye zarar vermemeli ve yüksek bir çalışma hızı sağlamalıdır. Kademesiz değişken ve paralel kılavuzlu çeneler, birçok ayrı açık ağızlı anahtar boyutunun yerini alır. Altıgen somun veya cıvataya uygulandığında gerekli boyut kendini kademesiz olarak ayarlar. Entegre kol mekanizması, altıgen cıvata veya somunu çeneler arasında güvenli bir şekilde sıkıştırarak kayma ve hasar riskini önemli ölçüde azaltır. Cırcır fonksiyonu, ayar yapmadan hızlı ve sürekli vidalama sağlar. Köşe genişliği prizmaları kullanılarak sadece 30°'lik bir dönme açısı gerçekleştirilebilir. Cırcır fonksiyonu ve köşe genişliği prizması ile birlikte tek ayaklı tasarım, dar montaj alanlarında bile çalışmayı mümkün kılar. Kendinden ayarlı Joker 6004 üniversal vidalama aletidir. Kendinden ayarlı. Etkileyici. Cırcırlı.

Die Wera DNA

Die Wera DNA

Mevcut standartlara her zaman meydan okuyabileceğimize inanıyoruz. Asi düşünüyoruz. Rock'n'roll'u seviyoruz. Tool Rebels olmayı seviyoruz!

Joker 6003 yıldız açık ağız kombine anahtar
Sadece 15 derecelik geri açısına sahip açık ağız. İşler sıkıştığında

Joker 6003 yıldız açık ağız kombine anahtar
Sadece 15 derecelik geri açısına sahip açık ağız. İşler sıkıştığında

Özellikle dar montaj alanları için uygundur
Özel çene geometrisi, aletin konumlandırma seçeneklerini genişletir
Açık ağız taraftaki düşük geri dönüş açısı, her 15°'de bir vidayı "yakalar"
İnce yıldız tarafı 15° eğimlidir
Wera 2go sistemine bağlanmaya uygundur

Joker 6004 kendinden ayarlı açık ağız kurbağacık anahtar.
Dikkat Çekici. Cırcırlı.

Joker 6004 kendinden ayarlı açık ağız kurbağacık anahtar.
Dikkat Çekici. Cırcırlı.

Kendinden ayarlı Joker 6004, ilgili uygulama alanındaki tüm metrik ve İngiliz ölçülerini kapsar
Altıgen vida ve somunların otomatik ve kademesiz kavrar
Kavrama sırasında çene mekanizması kaymayı ve hasarı önler
Mekanik cırcır fonksiyonu sayesinde anahtarı bırakmaya gerek kalmadan hızlı ve tutarlı vidalama yapar
Ağızdaki köşe genişlik prizmaları sayesinde yalnızca 30 derecelik arka salınım açısı sağlar

Kraftform Turbo
Vidalama hızını dört katına çıkarır - tamamen mekanik olarak

Kraftform Turbo
Vidalama hızını dört katına çıkarır - tamamen mekanik olarak

Vidalama hızını tamamen mekanik olarak dört katına çıkarır (pilsiz)
Turbo fonksiyonunun yalnızca bir düğmeye basılarak etkinleştirilmesi ve devre dışı bırakılması
Sabitlenebilir planet dişli kutusu, güçlü vidalama ve basit ince ayar sağlar
Çelikten yapılmış sağlam, bakım gerektirmeyen dişli kutusu (maksimum tork 14 Nm)
Rapidaptor hızlı uç değiştirme mandrenli 1/4" altıgen bits tutuculu.

Zyklop Metal

Zyklop Metal

Çalışma alanları giderek daraldıkça, cırcırlar için ayrılan alanlar da daralıyor. Wera bu sorunu çözdü. Ürün geliştiricilerimiz bu nedenle özellikle dar çalışma koşullarına odaklandı. Sonuç, uzun kollu, son derece ince ve sağlam Zyklop Metal Cırcırdır.

Zyklop Mini

Zyklop Mini

Cebinize uygun bits hazneli kompakt Zyklop Cırcır. ¼" bağlantılı bitsler ve 3/8" soketli lokmalar için manyetik doğrudan mandrenli. Kilitlenmeyen tutucusu sayesinde çok hızlı alet değiştirme. Cırcır kafa 0°, 15° ve 90°'de kilitlenebilir. Bu sayede alet; cırcır veya cırcırlı tornavida olarak da kullanılabilir. 72 ince dişli cırcır mekanizması sadece 5 derecelik düşük bir geri dönüş açısı sağlar. Sapa entegre edilmiş 12 adet bits sayesinde geniş uygulama yelpazesi söz konusudur. Sağlam cırcır mekanizması yeterli torku sağlar. Zyklop cırcır ile 12 parçalı tornavida setinin mükemmel kombinasyonu.



Açık ağız anahtarlarla çalışmaya başladığımızda kendimize şunu sorduk: Neden her zaman anahtarı geri çevirmek zorundasınız, neden anahtarda hiç eğim yok, neden sürekli vida kaybediyorsunuz, neden anahtar kayıyor ve parmaklarınızı incitiyorsunuz? Açık ağız anahtarını yeniden düşünmemiz; başka hiçbir çare kalmadığında bile hala çalışan gerçek bir joker anahtarı ortaya çıkardı.

Performance Videos


Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA Set 2

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA Set 2

9-teiliger Satz in robuster textiler Box. 1 Quergriff-Adapterschraubendreher 411 A RA mit Ratschenfunktion, für 1/4" Steckschlüsseleinsätze. Die integrierte Ratsche mit Feinverzahnung (80 Zähne/Rückholwinkel 4,5°) vereinfacht und beschleunigt das Schrauben ohne mühsames Neuansetzen. Die vollständig in den Griff eingebettete Knarrenmechanik sorgt für sehr handliches und angenehmes Arbeiten. Mit Umschalthebel für bequemen Rechts/Links Richtungswechsel in Einhand-Bedienung. Die ergonomische Form des Griffs füllt den Handballen gut aus, die Finger liegen sicher in den weich gerundeten Griffmulden. Die ganze Hand findet Kontakt zum Griff, Reibungsverluste zwischen Hand und Griff werden vermieden. Für 1/4"-Vierkant-Steckschlüsseleinsätze sowie 1/4"-Verbindungsteile mit Vierkantantrieb, mit Kugelarretierung. 8 Zyklop-Steckschlüsseleinsätze mit 1/4"-Antrieb. Take it easy Werkzeugfinder: Farbkennzeichnung nach Größen – zum einfachen und schnellen Finden des benötigten Werkzeugs.

Bicycle Set 15

Bicycle Set 15

Das ultrakompakte und leichte Fahrradwerkzeug mit zwei 4-fach Bits und drei Reifenhebern.<br />Mit nur einem Bit werden vier verschiedene Schraubprofile betätigt. Deutliche Gewichteinsparung von über 50 %. Durch die enorme Platzeinsparung ist das Bicycle Set 15 sehr gut für mobile Einsätze geeignet. Die Funktionsfähigkeit der großen Profile wird durch die einfedernden kleinen Abtriebe ermöglicht. Der Bit hat einen 1/4" Sechskant-Antrieb (Wera Anschluss-Reihe 1) und ist somit auch mit z. B. Bit-Ratschen und Bits-Handhaltern mit Rapidaptor einsetzbar. Der Reifenheber 9504 hat eine 1/4" Aufnahme für den Einsatz eines 1/4" Bits. Wenn beide Reifenheber 9504 übereinander gesteckt sind, kann ein 4-in-1 Bit eingesetzt werden und man erhält ein Schraubwerkzeug. Der Reifenheber 9505 ist gleichzeitig Ventilausdreher und Entlüfter. Reifenheber und 4-in-1 Bits können zusammengesteckt werden; so ist alles kompakt und unverlierbar zusammen.

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA Set 1

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA Set 1

17-teiliger Satz in robuster textiler Box. 1 Quergriff-Bits-Handhalter 416 RA mit Ratschenfunktion und Rapidaptor Schnellwechselfutter für ¼“ Bits. Die integrierte Ratsche mit Feinverzahnung (80 Zähne/Rückholwinkel 4,5°) vereinfacht und beschleunigt das Schrauben ohne mühsames Neuansetzen. Die vollständig in den Griff eingebettete Knarrenmechanik sorgt für sehr handliches und angenehmes Arbeiten. Mit Umschalthebel für bequemen Rechts/Links Richtungswechsel in Einhand-Bedienung. Die ergonomische Form des Griffs füllt den Handballen gut aus, die Finger liegen sicher in den weich gerundeten Griffmulden. Die ganze Hand findet Kontakt zum Griff, Reibungsverluste zwischen Hand und Griff werden vermieden. Bithalter für Bits mit 1/4" Außensechskantantrieb nach DIN ISO 1173-C 6,3 und E 6,3. Mit Rapidaptor-Technologie für blitzschnelles Wechseln der Bits. 16 zähharte Bits, ¼“, 89 mm lang, für den universellen Einsatz.

Kraftform Micro Big Pack 1 Screwdriver set for electronic applications
25 pieces

Kraftform Micro Big Pack 1 Screwdriver set for electronic applications
25 pieces

Wera Micro screwdriver set for fine mechanical screw connections. By supporting the hand on the rotating cap, and by the fast rotating zone below the rotating cap, lightning fast turning is possible. Time-consuming hand switching is eliminated. Storage and transport in a robust roll-bag, so the correct tool is always at hand. With Take it easy tool finder: colour coding by profile and size stamping.

Kraftform Big Pack 300
14 pieces

Kraftform Big Pack 300
14 pieces

Comprehensive screwdriver set with all the screwdrivers the professional needs. Kraftform Plus handle for pleasant, ergonomic working that prevents blisters and calluses. Hard gripping zones for high working speeds whereas soft zones ensure high torque transfer. Lasertip – for slotted, Phillips and Pozidriv – literally bites into the head of the screw and thereby prevents any slipping out of the screw head. "Take it easy" Tool Finder: colour coding according to profile and size. The anti-roll feature prevents any bothersome rolling away at the workplace.

160 i/7 Rack screwdriver set Kraftform Plus Series 100
7 pieces

160 i/7 Rack screwdriver set Kraftform Plus Series 100
7 pieces

7-piece screwdriver set with individually tested, insulated screwdrivers as per IEC 60900. Individual testing at 10,000 volts so as to ensure safe working at the permitted voltage of 1,000 volts. Kraftform Plus handle for pleasant, ergonomic working that makes blisters and calluses a thing of the past. Hard gripping zones for high working speeds whereas soft zones ensure high torque transfer. Partially Lasertip: the tip literally bites itself into the screw head and prevents any slipping. "Take it easy" Tool Finder: colour coding according to profile and size. The anti-roll feature prevents any bothersome rolling away at the workplace. Including single-pole phase tester and 1 rack for storage.

Big Pack 900 Screwdriver set Kraftform Wera: Chiseldriver and rack
13 pieces

Big Pack 900 Screwdriver set Kraftform Wera: Chiseldriver and rack
13 pieces

Wera Chiseldriver set for fastening, chiselling and loosening seized screws. Multi-component Kraftform handle for fast and low-fatigue working: hard gripping zones for high working speeds whereas soft zones ensure high torque transfer. A hexagon blade out of high quality bit material that extends right through the blade ensures full transfer of force, even when struck with a hammer. The ductile tempered material prevents the blade from splintering or breaking. Comes with an integrated impact cap for enhanced durability and reduced risk of splintering. More torque can be transferred with the help of an open-end or ring spanner applied to the integrated hexagonal bolster. The Wera Black Point tip and a complex hardening process ensure a long service life of the tip, enhanced corrosion protection and an exact fit. The hexagonal anti-roll feature prevents any bothersome rolling away at the workplace and handle markings make for simplified finding and sorting of the tool. All frequently needed screwdriving profiles in a single set. Includes 2 racks for tidy storage.

Kraftform Micro-Set/12 SB 1 Screwdriver set for electronic applications
12 pieces

Kraftform Micro-Set/12 SB 1 Screwdriver set for electronic applications
12 pieces

Wera Micro screwdriver set for precision mechanical work. Rapid twisting results from fixing the hand on the head and using the fast-turning zone just below. This makes time-consuming grip adjustments unnecessary. Storage and transport in a robust belt pouch – so the tool is always at hand.

Screwdriver set Kraftform Kompakt Micro 21 ESD 1
21 pieces

Screwdriver set Kraftform Kompakt Micro 21 ESD 1
21 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt Micro set for precision mechanical work. Suitable for the take-up of bits with 4 mm halfmoon drive (Wera series 9) and bits with 4 mm HIOS drive (Wera series 21). Electrical surface resistance of ≤ 10^9 Ohm for secure protection against electrostatic charge. Manufactured in accordance with DIN EN 61340-5-1. Compact handle/interchangeable blade system for fast blade change. Kaftform Micro handle with twist cap and free-turning zone for rapid twisting, making any time-consuming repositioning of the fingers unnecessary. Power zone with integrated soft zones for the transfer of higher tightening and loosening torque. Precision zone directly above the blade for the right angle for adjustment work. Bits for manual as well as power tool operations. Rapid fixing of the bit: just push the bit into the insert for automatic locking and a secure fit. To change the bit, simply push the sleeve forward and remove. Free-turning sleeve for simple guidance of the tool during the screwdriving process.

Kraftform 2go 300
11 pieces

Kraftform 2go 300
11 pieces

11 Kraftform screwdrivers; with "Take it easy" Toolfinder; in the Wera 2go 4 quiver; comes with an adjustable partition element for individual sectioning.

Cırcırlar ve Aksesuarlar

8100 SB 12 Zyklop Comfort Ratchet set, reversing lever
3/8" drive, metric

8100 SB 12 Zyklop Comfort Ratchet set, reversing lever
3/8" drive, metric

16 parçalı set; yüzey dostu, yüksek sağlamlığa sahip kompakt kumaş kılıf içinde. Basitleştirilmiş mobilite için düşük hacim ve ağırlık.<br/> 1 adet Zyklop Comfort cırcır, 3/8" sürücülü yön mandallı, 14 adet Zyklop Impaktor lokma, 1 adet Zyklop uzatması

8009 Zyklop Pocket Set 3

8009 Zyklop Pocket Set 3

27 parçalı set; 3/8" kare soketli lokmalar ve bağlantı parçaları için 1 adet Zyklop Cep 8009; ayrıca DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 ve E 6.3 ve Wera bağlantı serisi 1 ve 4'e göre 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı bitsler için de uygundur. 3/8" cırcırlı ve 1/4" bits tutuculu cırcırlı tornavida; serbestçe dönebilen cırcır kafası; sola ve sağa 0°, 15° ve 90°'de tanımlanmış konum; 0° konumunda geleneksel bir tornavida gibi kullanılabilir; Sol/sağ yön geçişli, ince dişli cırcır mekanizması sayesinde 5 derecelik düşük geri dönüş açısı; manyetik bits tutuculu. Yorulmadan çalışma için çok bileşenli Kraftform sap; sapa entegre edilmiş 25 mm uzunluğunda 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı 12 adet bits haznesi, serbest dönebilen bits hazneli. Hızlı dönüş manşonlu 1 adet Zyklop kısa uzatma 8794 SB; Paslanmaz çelik manşonlu ve güçlü kalıcı mıknatıslı 1 adet üniversal tutucu (75 mm uzunluğunda), DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 standardındaki 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı ve Wera bağlantı serisi 1 bağlantılı bitslerin takılması için uygun; 12 adet Zyklop 3/8" soketli lokma; Wera 2go sistemine bağlanmaya uygun 1 adet sağlam kumaş kılıf.

Bicycle Set 7

Bicycle Set 7

27-piece 3/8" ratchet set for typical bicycle operations with extensive accessories:<br /> 1 Zyklop Speed ratchet with 3/8" drive, 10 Zyklop sockets, 2 Zyklop bit sockets with 30mm and extra slim profile area for better accessibility in tight workspaces. With Take it easy tool finder: Colour coding by size. 1 Zyklop extension (short) with fast-rotating sleeve, 1 Wobble extension, 1 bit adapter, 1 connection part 3/8" external square head to 1/2" external square head, 10 bits, tough, for universal use. Incredibly compact set arrangement for many tools in a tight space thanks to the highly robust and durable textile box. Can be placed in an upright position for clearly arranged storage in the workshop shelf. Additional surface protection due to textile outer material. Low weight and small size for better mobility.

8009 Zyklop Pocket Set 1

8009 Zyklop Pocket Set 1

Kompakte Zyklop Knarre mit Bit-Magazin für die Hosentasche. Magnetische Direktaufnahme für ¼“ Bits und 3/8“ Nüsse. Sehr schneller Werkzeugwechsel dank nicht-arretierender Aufnahme. Der auf 0°, 15° und 90° arretierbare Kopf ermöglicht den Einsatz des Werkzeugs als Knarre und Ratschen-Schraubendreher. Die Feinverzahnung mit 72 Zähnen ermöglicht einen niedrigen Rückholwinkel von nur 5°. Großes Einsatzspektrum dank 12 im Griff integrierter Bits. Die robuste Knarrenmechanik sorgt für ausreichende Drehmomente. Perfekte Kombination einer Zyklop Knarre mit einem 12-teiligen Schraubendrehersatz.

Bicycle Set 1, ratchet set, bicycle
14 pieces

Bicycle Set 1, ratchet set, bicycle
14 pieces

Bicycle repair shops and passionate cyclists love screwdriving on a bicycle. With their Bicycle Set 1, the screwdriving tool specialist Wera offers an assortment of tools that is very mobile thanks to its compact and design-oriented textile folding bag, and offers solutions for the most common screwdriving situations when working with bicycles. The sturdy bag contains the bit ratchet Zyklop Mini 1 and 10 bits with all the benefits of Wera-Bit technology, specially adapted to the most common screw connections on a bicycle. With the glass fibre reinforced plastic tyre jacks, the tyres can be safely levered off the rim without damaging the rim.

Belt B VDE 1 Zyklop bit socket set TORX®
10 pieces

Belt B VDE 1 Zyklop bit socket set TORX®
10 pieces

10 Zyklop bit sockets, with ⅜“ drive, insulated, individually tested as per IEC 60900. Increased safety due to 2-component isolation with yellow core under red insulation outer layer visible in case of damage to outer red VDE insulation layer. With holding function for TORX® screws to Acument Intellectual Properties specifications or holding function for hexagonal socket screws. Robust textile belt in the typical Wera design with 10 VDE bit sockets in a compact space. A smooth turning mechanism ensures secure holding and easy removal of the sockets. Includes snap hook for attaching to belt loops or bags. With fleece backing and hook and loop fastener strips for easy attachment e.g. on wall, shelf, workshop trolley and Wera 2go tool transport system. VDE ⅜“ bit socket and holding function for particularly comfortable screwdriving with reduced risk of screw loss when feeding to the component. With increased safety due to yellow insulation core, which becomes visible in case of damage to the outer red VDE insulation layer. Individually tested tool as per IEC 60900 at 10,000 V for safe working at the approved voltage of 1,000 V.

Zyklop Metal Ratchet Set with switch lever
13 pieces

Zyklop Metal Ratchet Set with switch lever
13 pieces

Incredibly compact set arrangement with many tools in a minimum of space. A completely new ratchet set feeling thanks to the unique textile boxes that are very robust and durable. They can be positioned upright for tidy storage on the workshop shelf. Additional surface protection due to textile outer material. Low weight and volume for simpler mobility. "Take it easy" Tool Finder with colour coding according to sizes.

8100 SA 7 Zyklop Metal Ratchet Set with push-through square
28 pieces

8100 SA 7 Zyklop Metal Ratchet Set with push-through square
28 pieces

Incredibly compact set arrangement with many tools in a minimum of space. A completely new ratchet set feeling thanks to the unique textile boxes that are very robust and durable. They can be positioned upright for tidy storage on the workshop shelf. Additional surface protection due to textile outer material. Low weight and volume for simpler mobility. "Take it easy" Tool Finder with colour coding according to sizes.

Zyklop Speed Ratchet Set, 3/8" drive, metric
29 pieces

Zyklop Speed Ratchet Set, 3/8" drive, metric
29 pieces

Incredibly compact set arrangement with many tools in a minimum of space. A completely new ratchet set feeling thanks to the unique textile boxes that are very robust and durable. They can be positioned upright for tidy storage on the workshop shelf. Additional surface protection due to textile outer material. Low weight and volume for simpler mobility. "Take it easy" Tool Finder with colour coding according to sizes.

Koloss All Inclusive Set with ½" drive
5 pieces

Koloss All Inclusive Set with ½" drive
5 pieces

The ratchet that can also be safely and officially used as a hammer. The KOLOSS is a reversible, heavy-duty ratchet that can be used with a load of at least 600 Newton metres. The dual ratchet teeth and the minimum return angle of only 6° ensure rapid and precise screwdriving even in confined situations. And the best thing: absolutely no impact on the hammer faces, however hard, can destroy the ratchet mechanism. Multi-component Kraftform handle optimised to withstand pressure, impact and tensile loads; take-up for KOLOSS extension 8780 C and KOLOSS centring pin 8781 C at end of handle. Also included in the set: 1 pad to protect materials and surface areas, 1 Koloss extension for the transfer of even more torque, 1 unlocking pin and 1 holster – so the Koloss can always be at hand.

Zyklop Hybrid Set
2 pieces

Zyklop Hybrid Set
2 pieces

Zyklop Hybrid ratchet set, 1/2" drive, metric. Including Zyklop Hybrid ratchet and Hybrid handle extension.

Kraftform Kompakt Zyklop Mini 2
27 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt Zyklop Mini 2
27 pieces

Ratchets and screws in a Kraftform Kompakt format. These drop-forged, full-steel ratchets, Zyklop Mini 1 and 2, combine filigree design with incredible robustness. For particularly rapid screwdriving in confined working situations. Zyklop Mini 1 or Zyklop Mini 2 can be used whenever screwdriving with power tools or conventional hand tools is unfeasible for lack of space. 1 bit ratchet Zyklop Mini 1; suitable for the take-up of bits with ¼” hexagon head drive as per DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 and E 6.3 and Wera connecting series 1 and 4; also possible to use ¼” sockets by attaching the Wera adaptor 870/1. 1 socket ratchet Zyklop Mini 2; suitable for the direct attachment of Wera Zyklop special sockets 8790 FA.

8100 SA All-in Zyklop Speed Ratchet Set
42 pieces

8100 SA All-in Zyklop Speed Ratchet Set
42 pieces

42-piece Zyklop set in robust metal case: Zyklop ratchet with 1/4"drive. The 72 fine-pitched teeth enable a low return angle of only 5°. The ratchet head pivots freely and can be locked into any position by using the slide switch that is positioned on either side. It is even possible to work conveniently in very confined and difficult-to-access areas with enhanced hand clearance. The predefined locking positions at 0°, 15° und 90°, both to the right and left, ensure safe working without any slipping of the ratchet head. The ratchet can be used as a conventional screwdriver in the 0° position by attaching an adaptor and a bit. The flywheel design ensures rapid screwdriving. The rotation-symmetric construction of the Kraftform handle and the free-turning sleeve support rapid twisting. The outstanding design of the Kraftform handle fits perfectly into the hand preventing hand injuries such as blisters and calluses. The hard materials used for the handle ensure quick and easy hand repositioning without any danger of the skin "sticking" to the handle. The softer anti-slip zones enable the low-loss transfer of high torque. For 1/4" square sockets as well as 1/4" adaptors with square drive, equipped with ball lock. Including 13 Zyklop sockets, 2 Zyklop extensions with free-turning sleeve, 1 wobble extension, 1 T-handle, 1 universal joint, 1 adaptor with quick-release chuck, 22 bits. "Take it easy" Tool Finder with colour coding according to sizes.

8100 SB VDE 1 Zyklop Ratchet set insulated
17 pieces

8100 SB VDE 1 Zyklop Ratchet set insulated
17 pieces

Incredibly compact set arrangement for a lot of tools in a small space. Individually tested ratchet, sockets and extensions as per IEC 60900 at 10,000V for safe working at the approved voltage of 1,000V. Textile box with very high robustness and durability can be positioned upright for clear storage in the workshop shelf. Additional surface protection through textile outer material. Low weight and volume for easier mobility. Smooth turning mechanism for secure hold and easy removal of VDE sockets.

Joker Anahtarlar

9610 Joker Manyetik Anahtar
Tutucu Şerit 11 Parçalı Kombine Anahtar için, boş

9610 Joker Manyetik Anahtar
Tutucu Şerit 11 Parçalı Kombine Anahtar için, boş

1 adet Joker kombine anahtar tutucu manyetik şerit, boş. 11 adete kadar Joker açık ağız anahtar için. Manyetik şerit, metal yüzeylere tutunur. Alternatif olarak manyetik şerit duvara da vidalanabilir. Manyetik şeridin güçlü kıskaçları sayesinde anahtarlar güvenilir bir şekilde muhafaza edilir ve kolayca çıkarılır.

6004 Joker XXL self-setting spanner

6004 Joker XXL self-setting spanner

Many users wish to have a universal screwdriving tool with the widest possible range of applications. It should be a single tool for multiple metric and imperial dimensions. It should automatically adjust to the different screw sizes. It should be safe to grab without damaging anything and allow for a high working speed. The continuous and parallel jaws replace several single spanner dimensions. The required size is automatically and continuously set when attaching the tool to the hexagon bolt or screw. The integrated lever mechanism securely clamps the hexagon screw or bolt between the jaws, which significantly reduces the risk of slipping or damage. The ratchet function ensures fast and consistent screwdriving without removing the tool. Thanks to the corner-width rectangular prisms, a return angle of only 30° can be realized. The single-arm design in conjunction with the ratchet function and the corner-width prism make it possible to work even in confined spaces. The adjustable Joker 6004 is the universal screwdriving tool. Self-setting. Gripping. Spanning.

6004 Joker 4 set 1 self-setting spanner set
4 pieces

6004 Joker 4 set 1 self-setting spanner set
4 pieces

Many users wish to have a universal screwdriving tool with the widest possible range of applications. It should be a single tool for multiple metric and imperial dimensions. It should automatically adjust to the different screw sizes. It should be safe to grab without damaging anything and should allow for high working speeds. With its continuous and parallel jaws the Joker 6004 replaces several single spanner sizes. The required size is automatically and continuously set when attaching the tool to the hexagon bolt or screw. The integrated lever mechanism securely clamps the hexagon screw or bolt between the jaws, which significantly reduces the risk of slippage or damage. The ratchet feature ensures fast and consistent screwdriving without removing the tool. By using the corner-width rectangular prisms, a return angle of only 30° can be achieved. The single-arm design, in conjunction with the ratchet feature and the corner-width prism, makes it possible to work even in confined spaces. The adjustable Joker 6004 is the universal screwdriving tool. Self-setting. Gripping. Spanning. 4-piece set for at least 18 different metric and imperial screw drives, comes in a compact folding bag. The Joker bags are suitable for attachment to walls, shelves, workshop trolleys and the Wera 2go system thanks to the hook and loop fastener system on the back.

6003 Joker 11 Set 1 combination wrench set
11 pieces

6003 Joker 11 Set 1 combination wrench set
11 pieces

As the installation space becomes increasingly tight during screwdriving, it remains necessary that tools enable users to work successfully. Narrow spaces require additional placement points of the tool, to allow screws to be accessed and actuated. Can spanners be modified so that the placement possibilities of the tool increase? The combination of the 7.5° pivoted mouth and the double hexagon geometry doubles the placement points. A repeated 180° turn of the wrench around the longitudinal axis during screwdriving provides four placement possibilities, and bolts or screw heads can be "taken" every 15°. The Joker 6003 with its smart mouth geometry significantly expands the range of uses in confined spaces. The Joker 6003 will automatically find the respective placement point after every turn. The slim yet robust ring side is angled by 15° to the tool axis. The high-quality surface treatment achieves a high and long-lasting corrosion protection. With Take it easy tool finder: colour coding by size. The Joker pouches are suitable for attachment to walls, shelves, workshop trolleys and the Wera 2go system thanks to the hook and loop fastener system on the back.

6004 Joker self-setting spanner

6004 Joker self-setting spanner

Many users wish to have a universal screwdriving tool with the widest possible range of applications. It should be a single tool for multiple metric and imperial dimensions. It should automatically adjust to the different screw sizes. It should be safe to grab without damaging anything and allow for a high working speed. The continuous and parallel jaws replace several single spanner dimensions. The required size is automatically and continuously set when attaching the tool to the hexagon bolt or screw. The integrated lever mechanism securely clamps the hexagon screw or bolt between the jaws, which significantly reduces the risk of slipping or damage. The ratchet function ensures fast and consistent screwdriving without removing the tool. Thanks to the corner-width rectangular prisms, a return angle of only 30° can be realized. The single-arm design in conjunction with the ratchet function and the corner-width prism make it possible to work even in confined spaces. The adjustable Joker 6004 is the universal screwdriving tool. Self-setting. Gripping. Spanning.

Joker Set of ratcheting combination wrenches
11 pieces

Joker Set of ratcheting combination wrenches
11 pieces

High quality combination ratchet wrench set by Wera: everything that a wrench has to be able to do. And a whole lot more. Faster, better, stylish. Yes, a real Joker. The new generation of combination ratchet wrenches. 11-piece set in a robust pouch. Suitable for hexagon bolt heads or nuts. Comes with a holding function, thanks to the metal plate in the jaw, which reduces the risk of dropping nuts and bolts. The replaceable metal plate in the jaw secures nuts and bolts with its extra hard teeth and limits the danger of slipping. The integrated limit stop prevents any slipping down around the bolt head and allows higher torque to be applied. The double-hex geometry makes for a positive connection with nuts or bolts and reduces the risk of slipping. A return angle of only 30° at the open end prevents any time consuming flipping of the wrench during fastening jobs. The ratchet mechanism at the ring end, with an exceptional, fine-tooth mechanism – 80 teeth in all – enables flexibility even in very confined working spaces. The specially forged geometry provides for high torque transfer and strength. Manufactured out of high performance chrome molybdenum steel with a nickel-chrome coating for high corrosion protection. "Take it easy" Tool Finder with colour coding according to sizes.

Joker Switch Set of ratcheting combination wrenches
4 pieces

Joker Switch Set of ratcheting combination wrenches
4 pieces

High quality set of ratcheting combination wrenches by Wera: Joker ratcheting combination wrenches with angled ratchet head and switch lever. The metal plate in the jaw provides for the holding function which reduces the risk of losing nuts and bolts. The integrated limit stop can prevent any slipping from the bolt head downwards and enables higher torque to be applied. The exchangeable metal plate in the jaw securely holds nuts and bolts with its extra hard teeth and reduces the risk of slipping. The double-hex geometry delivers a very positive connection with nuts or bolts and again provides for a lower risk of any slipping. The low return angle of only 30° at the jaw end avoids any time-consuming flipping of the wrench when fastening. The reversible ratchet mechanism at the ring end with its fine toothing (80 teeth) ensures great flexibility even in confined spaces. Audibly precise ratchet mechanism. Additionally, the robust two-piece locking element provides for an extreme stability. Comes with a 15° angled ratchet end for secure work even at high torque. The special forged geometry allows for high torque transfer and high flexural rigidity. Manufactured out of high-performance chrome-molybdenum steel with a nickel-chromium coating for high corrosion protection. With "Take it easy" Tool Finder: colour coding according to size.

Allen Anahtarlar

950 Hex-Plus Allen Anahtar Set

950 Hex-Plus Allen Anahtar Set

9 parçalı set, masaya yerleştirmek veya duvar askısı/tabanı 9109 kullanarak duvara monte etmek için; mobil uygulamalar için yanınızda taşımak üzere entegre çıkarılabilir klips 9536, alet uçlarını mıknatıslamak ve mıknatıslığını iptal etmek için entegre çıkarılabilir mıknatıslayıcı 9538<br/> <b>Uygulama:</b>Altıgen soketli vidalar<br/><b>Tasarım:</b>Krom kaplama<br/><b>Özellik:</b>Hex-Plus, Altıgen-Topbaş uzun kol<br/>

Bicycle Set 4
9 pieces

Bicycle Set 4
9 pieces

L-keys made from circular material with plastic sleeve for use on bicycles. The plastic sleeve makes working comfortable even at low temperatures and is easy on the fingers. All L-keys are easily accessible due to their colour coding and size markings. For hexagonal socket screws and TORX® screws. In a robust and lightweight folding pouch.

950/9 Hex-Plus Multicolour 2 L-key set
9 pieces

950/9 Hex-Plus Multicolour 2 L-key set
9 pieces

High quality set of L-keys for hexagonal socket screws in a practical clip made of wear-free material for lasting secure retention of the L-keys, with easy removal when required. Hex-Plus L-keys provide larger contact surfaces on the screw head. The notching effect is thereby reduced to a minimum; the destruction of the screw head is almost eliminated. The ball on the long arm allows safe working even in difficult mounting positions. The BlackLaser surface treatment provides excellent surface protection, corrosion resistance and long life. Laser coated abrasion-resistant size markings on the L-keys for quick access.

950 SPKL/9 SM N Multicolour L-key set, metric, BlackLaser
9 pieces

950 SPKL/9 SM N Multicolour L-key set, metric, BlackLaser
9 pieces

L-keys with thermoplastic sleeve (SPKL) out of easy-to-grip circular material. The sleeve ensures that work is pleasant and easy on the fingers even at low temperatures. All L-keys are quickly to hand thanks to their colour coding and size markings. The wear-resistant clip material ensures secure storage of the L-keys as well as simple removal. For hexagonal socket screws.

950 SPKL/9 SM HF Multicolour L-key set
9 pieces

950 SPKL/9 SM HF Multicolour L-key set
9 pieces

High quality L-key set with colour coded, convenient plastic sleeve. This ensures that the tool is quickly to hand and the ergonomic and pleasant handle is easy on the hands even at low temperatures. The wear-resistant clip material ensures secure storage of the L-keys as well as simple removal. The Hex-Plus profile offers a greater contact surface in the head of the screw. The notching effect is therefore reduced to a minimum and damage to the screw head more or less eliminated. The ballpoint on the long arm allows dependable working even in difficult installation situations. The holding function holds screws securely on the tool. The BlackLaser surface treatment provides outstanding surface protection, even against corrosion, and a long service life. Laser-engraved and thereby wear-resistant size markings on the L-keys for rapid accessing.

3967/9 TX SXL Multicolour HF Stainless 1 L-key set with holding function, stainless
9 pieces

3967/9 TX SXL Multicolour HF Stainless 1 L-key set with holding function, stainless
9 pieces

Set of high quality stainless steel L-keys for internal TORX® screws. Very corrosion-resistant due to ice-hardened stainless steel material of the L-key, avoiding the transmission of extraneous rust in stainless steel screw connections. With holding function on the long arm: The clamping force resulting from the surface pressure between the output tip and the screw profile holds the screws securely on the tool. With extra long arm for working in a low position. The grip-friendly hose jacket facilitates screwdriving even at low temperatures. "Take it easy" tool finder with colour coding by size. With a practical clip made of durable material for secure holding of the L-key while at the same time allowing easy removal.

L-key set with holding function, long
9 pieces

L-key set with holding function, long
9 pieces

High quality L-key set for recessed TORX® screws. Holding function: the wedging forces resulting from the contact pressure between the drive tip and the screw profile securely hold the screw on the tool. Featuring an extra-long arm. L-keys with thermoplastic sleeve out of easy-to-grip circular material. The sleeve ensures that work is pleasant and easy on the fingers even at low temperatures. "Take it easy" Tool Finder with colour coding according to size. The BlackLaser surface treatment provides outstanding surface protection, even against corrosion, and a long service life. The tools are quickly to hand thanks to the laser-engraved and thereby wear-resistant size markings on the L-keys. Come in a practical clip fastener out of wear-resistant material, enabling secure storage of the L-keys as well as simple removal.

Kraftform Kompakt

Kraftform Kompakt VDE 17 Universal 1 Tool Finder

Kraftform Kompakt VDE 17 Universal 1 Tool Finder

17 parça<br/>2 adet geçmeli uç tutuculu 817 VDE Kraftform tornavida, yalnızca Wera VDE değiştirilebilir geçmeli uçlar (bıçaklar) için<br/>Profillere göre renk kodlu ve lazerle işlenmiş boyut bilgisine sahip Take it easy alet buluculu 15 adet her biri 157 mm uzunluğunda VDE değiştirilebilir geçmeli uç<br/>Sağlam bel çantasında

9532 Zincir Perçinleme Seti

9532 Zincir Perçinleme Seti

20 parçalı set<br/> 1 adet Wera Zyklop Cırcırlı Mini Set 1, dövme masif çelik tasarım; DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 ve E 6.3'e ve Wera bağlantı sıraları 1 ve 4'e göre 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı bitslerin tutulması için uygundur. 1 adet bits tutuculu tornavida 816 R, 1 adet zincir perçinleyici, 1 adet zincir bağlantı elemanı (halkası), yedek parça seti zincir perçinleyici pim, 1 adet zincir perçinleme pensesi, 10 adet 89 mm uzunluğunda bits, 2 adet 25 mm uzunluğunda bits, 1 adet sağlam katlanır kılıf

Kraftform Kompakt 838 RA-R M Set 1

Kraftform Kompakt 838 RA-R M Set 1

15 parçalı set<br/> 1 adet bits tutuculu 838 RA-R M cırcırlı tornavida, 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı 89 mm uzunluğunda 14 adet bits, kimyasal nikel kaplama

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA SHK Set 1

Kraftform Kompakt 400 RA SHK Set 1

19 parçalı set<br/> 1 adet bits tutuculu 416 R hızlı uç değiştirme mandrenli Rapidaptor cırcırlı T tornavida, 1 adet bits tutuculu 816 R hızlı uç değiştirme mandrenli Rapidaptor'lu tornavida. Kumaş kılıf içinde, 89 mm uzunluğunda 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı 15 adet sert bits ve 2 adet lokmabaş anahtar<br/>

Kraftform Kompakt VDE Big Pack 1

Kraftform Kompakt VDE Big Pack 1

26 parçalı set<br/> 2 adet geçmeli uç tutuculu 817 VDE Kraftform tornavida, yalnızca Wera VDE değiştirilebilir geçmeli uçlar (bıçaklar) için, Profillere göre renk kodlu ve lazerle kazınmış boyut bilgisine sahip Take it easy takım buluculu 24 adet her biri 157 mm uzunluğunda VDE değiştirilebilir geçmeli uç<br/>Sağlam katlanır kumaş kılıf

Kraftform Kompakt 838 RA S Set 1

Kraftform Kompakt 838 RA S Set 1

14 parçalı set<br/> 1 adet bits tutuculu 838 RA S cırcırlı tornavida, 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı 50 mm uzunluğunda 13 adet bits, nikel kaplamalı, Take it easy alet bulucu: İhtiyaç duyulan aletin kolay ve hızlı bulunması için renk kodlaması ve boyut damgası

Kraftform Kompakt 27 Set 1

Kraftform Kompakt 27 Set 1

<b>Uygulama:</b>DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 ve E 6.3 standardına ve Wera 1 ve 4 sistemine göre 1/4" altıgen bağlantılı bitsler için uygundur<br/><b>Tasarım:</b>Altıgen şaft (bıçak), krom kaplama paslanmaz çelikten yapılmış, güçlü kalıcı mıknatıslı bits tutucu; 6 adet Bitorsiyon bits ve Take it easy alet bulucu: İhtiyaç duyulan aletin kolay ve hızlı bulunması için renk kodlaması ve boyut damgası.<br/><b>Sap:</b>Yuvarlanmaya karşı korumalı çok bileşenli Kraftform, 6 bitsli entegre hazne<br/>

Kraftform Kompakt 900 Set 1

Kraftform Kompakt 900 Set 1

Der Kraftform Kompakt 900 Schlagschraubendreher kombiniert die Vorteile von manuellen Schlagschraubern, Kompaktwerkzeugen und Schraubendrehern mit durchgehender Klinge. Die Schlagschraub-Funktion verfügt über ein Lösemoment von bis zu 25 Nm. Der robuste Bithalter ermöglicht die Aufnahme unterschiedlicher Spezial-Bits für verschiedene Schraubenprofile. Die durchgehende Klinge sorgt für eine verlustfreie Kraftübertragung. Schlagschrauberfunktion und Schraubendrehfunktion sind je nach Bedarf umschaltbar.

Kraftform Kompakt W 2 Maintenance

Kraftform Kompakt W 2 Maintenance

Compact tool set with the most important screwdriving tools for maintenance jobs both indoors as well as outdoors. VDE hand holder including 12 VDE blades; 1 Joker double open-ended wrench with holding function, limit stop, small return angle and extremely high-grip toothing; incl. the incredibly fast 1/4" Zyklop Speed ratchet with accessories; 8 manual and power tool sockets in the dimensions 5.5-13, 1 universal bit holder; 7 25mm bits; 1 screw gripper to firmly hold screws; textile box that is very robust and durable; can be positioned upright in the workshop shelf for tidy storage; additional surface protection thanks to the textile outer material; low weight and volume for simplified mobility.

Kraftform Kompakt F 1 screwdriving tool set for window builders
35-pieces set

Kraftform Kompakt F 1 screwdriving tool set for window builders
35-pieces set

Compact Wera screwdriving tool set with the 36 most important tools for window construction

Kraftform Kompakt 400
17 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 400
17 pieces

T-handle screwdriver: The ideal handle shape to allow high torque transmission in difficult tightening and loosening situations. The ergonomic shape of the handle fills the palm of the hand well, the fingers lie safely in the soft rounded handle recesses. The whole hand makes contact with the handle and friction losses between the hand and the handle are avoided. Special surface treatment of the blades for high corrosion protection and an optimum fit in the screw head.

Kraftform Kompakt Stubby 1
19 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt Stubby 1
19 pieces

Handle/interchangeable blade system for lightning fast replacement of the required blade. Especially small bit-holding Stubby screwdriver handle with short blade for hard to reach areas. Suitable for the mounting of bits with ¼" hexagon drive as per DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 and Wera connection series 1. With strong permanent magnet, which also holds large and heavy screws. The 2-component Kraftform handle with its practical combination of hard and soft zones allows for a firm grip and precise working. High-quality BiTorsion bits with a softer BiTorsion zone to prevent twisting of the bit tip under high loads. This significantly increases product life. Compact, textile box with high robustness, low weight and volume. Suitable for docking with the Wera 2go system.

Kraftform Kompakt Turbo 1
19 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt Turbo 1
19 pieces

Many users would like to be able to carry out screwdriving processes faster without compromise. With a screwdriver that is precise, allows powerful screwdriving, and is much faster than a conventional screwdriver. A part-time universal gear is the solution: Integrated in the screwdriver handle, it quadruples the working speed with smooth couplings - purely mechanically. One hand holds the front part of the handle, the other hand turns the rear part of the handle. The turbo function can be switched on or off at the push of a button. Turning it off is recommended for tightening and loosening with high torque, e.g. for screw connections in wood, as well as for fine adjustments. Robust, maintenance-free gear made of steel with a maximum torque of 14Nm when the turbo function is deactivated. Thanks to the Rapidaptor bit holder, the Kraftform Turbo can be used with all conventional 1/4" hexagon bits for a wide variety of screw profiles. With the Rapidaptor function the bits can be inserted directly and can be easily removed by pushing the sleeve forward.

Kraftform Kompakt 20 Tool Finder 2 with pouch
13 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 20 Tool Finder 2 with pouch
13 pieces

13-piece Kraftform Kompakt set with 6x 25mm long and 6x 89mm long bits. Wera’s compact tools allow the simultaneous use of both types of screw connections; „hand“ or „machine“. The handle blade-change system in a compact design with different compact blade tips makes the user mobile and flexible. Suitable for bits with ¼“ hexagonal drive as per DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 and E 6.3 (ISO 1173) and Wera connection series 1 and 4. With connecting adapter, bayonet, Rapidaptor technology, Kraftform handle with anti-roll protection, multi-components allow for particularly ergonomic screwdriving. Integrated magazine for storing 25mm long bits. This set replaces a 12-piece screwdriver set and reduces the necessary equipment to a minimum. Profile and size of the bits are easily recognizable due to the Wera “Take it easy” tool finder with its colour coding and easily visible labels.

Bicycle Set 2
13 pieces

Bicycle Set 2
13 pieces

Bicycle tool set in practical pouch with 89 mm long bits. Including 816 R Kraftform bit hand-holder with Rapidaptor quick-release chuck and multi-component Kraftform handle for fatigue-free working.

Kraftform Kompakt 60, stainless
17 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 60, stainless
17 pieces

Pouch with bits in a length of 89 mm. Includes Kraftform holder 3816 R with Rapidaptor quick-release chuck and multi-component Kraftform handle for low-fatigue working. Stainless design to prevent the formation of extraneous rust.

Kraftform Kompakt 60 RA
17 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 60 RA
17 pieces

17-piece set with bits in a length of 89 mm in a practical pouch. 1 holder 816 RA Kraftform with ratchet function: fine-toothing for a small return angle, switchover ring (right, fixed, left), maximum torque of up to 50 Newton metres. ¼” hexagon socket head take-up and Rapidaptor technology for low-fatigue working and rapid bit change; magnetic.

Compact tool Kraftform Kompakt Pistol RA
7 pieces

Compact tool Kraftform Kompakt Pistol RA
7 pieces

Wera compact tool with multi-component Kraftform pistol handle for high working speeds and particularly ergonomic screwdriving. Integrated bit magazine in the handle. Includes a ratchet: fine-toothing with a small return angle of only 8°, switchover (right, fixed, left), maximum torque of up to 50 Newton metres; hexagonal blade with ¼” hexagon socket head take-up and Rapidaptor technology, magnetic. 6 bits PH, PZ and TORX® in a length of 25 mm that fit in holders as per DIN ISO 1173-D 6.3. Comes with a practical holster for belt attachment.

Kraftform Kompakt SH 2 PlumbKit
14 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt SH 2 PlumbKit
14 pieces

Compact tool set with 15 important screwdriving tools for the sanitary and heating sectors. With 2 Joker Switch ratcheting combination wrenches, VDE handle with 4 extra-slim blades, voltage tester, 4 L-keys with thermoplastic sleeve, chiseldriver and 2 Kraftform Plus nutspinners with hollow shaft. The details: 2 Joker Switch ratcheting combination wrenches with special retaining plate to prevent slipping/loss of the screw and more torque transfer; 1 VDE handle and 4 VDE iS blades for safe working at up to 1000 volts (iS with reduced blade diameter and integrated protective insulation for reaching and operating low-lying screw and spring elements); 1 single-pole phase tester 247; 4 L-keys with Hex-Plus profile to prevent rounding out screws; 1 Kraftform chiseldriver 932 A (slotted) with pound-thru hexagonal blade and integrated impact cap for screwdriving and light chiselling; 2 socket wrench nutspinners 395 HO with hollow shaft for tightening or loosening nuts on protruding threaded rods as well as fixed screws. Including tools with "Take it easy" tool finder with colour coding in accordance to profiles and size stamping – for fast and easy tool selection.

Kraftform Kompakt 60
17 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 60
17 pieces

Pouch with 89-mm long bits. Includes 816 R Kraftform holder with Rapidaptor quick-release chuck and multi-component Kraftform handle for low-fatigue working. Hard gripping zones for high working speeds whereas soft zones ensure high torque transfer. Suitable for manual and power tool operations; 17-piece.

Kraftform Kompakt 20 Tool Finder 1 with pouch
7 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 20 Tool Finder 1 with pouch
7 pieces

Wera compact tools enable the simultaneous use for the two types of fastening “manual” and “power tool”. The handle/interchangeable system in a compact design with various blade tips in a minimum of space make the user mobile and flexible. Suitable for bits with 1/4" hexagon head drive as per DIN ISO 1173-C 6.3 und E 6.3 (ISO 1173) and Wera connecting series 1 and 4. Comes with an extension, bayonet, Rapidaptor technology. Kraftform handle with non-roll feature, multi-component for particularly ergonomic screwdriving. Integrated magazine for the storage of the bits. In this way, this set replaces a 6-piece screwdriver set and reduces the equipment required to a minimum. The profile and size of the bits are easy to recognise thanks to the Wera "Take it easy" Tool Finder with its colour coding and clearly visible imprint.

Kraftform Kompakt 100
52 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt 100
52 pieces

52-piece; in surface-protecting, compact textile box which is extremely robust. Low volume and weight for simplified mobility. Compact tool set with 52 screwdriving tools. 1 bit holder Rapidaptor with quick-release chuck; 1 B bit holder Rapidaptor with quick-release chuck for take-up in the power screwdriver or use in the chuck of the power drill; 30 BiTorsion bits with a length of 25 mm for long service life, tough-absorbing (BTZ), for universal use, extra hard (BTH), 12 Impaktor bits with a length of 50 mm for particularly demanding jobs, 8 L-keys with Hex-Plus profile (prevents the rounding of socket head screws) and hexagonal ballpoint on the long arm for working at angles; textile box that is very robust and durable; can be positioned upright for tidy storage on the workshop shelf; additional surface protection thanks to the outer textile material.

Kraftform Kompakt W 1 Maintenance
35 pieces

Kraftform Kompakt W 1 Maintenance
35 pieces

Compact tool set with the 35 most important screwdriving tools for maintenance work both indoors as well as outdoors. Includes VDE holder with 12 VDE blades; 1 Joker double open-end wrench with holding function, limit stop, small return angle and extremely gripping teeth; the incredibly fast ¼” Zyklop Speed ratchet and accessories; 8 manual and power tool sockets, sizes 5.5-13, 1 universal bit holder; 7 bits in a length of 25 mm; 1 screw gripper for firmly holding screws; 1 single-pole phase tester 247; textile box, very robust and durable; can be positioned upright in the workshop shelf for convenient storage; additional surface protection thanks to the textile outer material; low weight and volume for simplified mobility.

Bitsler, Tutucular, Adaptörler ve Setler

Bit-Check 30 Impaktor 1
30 pieces

Bit-Check 30 Impaktor 1
30 pieces

1 Impaktor holder with retaining ring and ring magnet, 29 Impaktor bits. The Impaktor technology offers an above-average service life even under extreme circumstances thanks to the best possible utilisation of the material properties and the optimised geometry; particularly suitable for use with customary impact drivers; holder with ring magnet for simple holding of even longer and heavier screws, ideal for overhead work. The rough diamond-coating of the bits reduces the risk of a slipping out of the screw head thanks to the enhanced frictional resistance.

Bit-Safe 61 BiTorsion 1
61 pieces

Bit-Safe 61 BiTorsion 1
61 pieces

Robust textile box with bits and holder, 61-piece. 49 BiTorsion bits for long service life, in diamond-coated design (BDC) for a secure fit in the screw head, tough-absorbing (BTZ), for universal use, extra hard (BTH); 11 bits, tough-absorbing (Z), for universal use. 1 universal holder 889/4/1 K with quick-release chuck for take-up in the power screwdriver or use in the chuck of the power drill. The profile and size of the bits are easy to recognise thanks to the Wera "Take it easy" Tool Finder with its colour coding and clearly visible imprint. The textile box allows users a high degree of mobility with a minimum space requirement. The greatly reduced weight of a set makes carrying far more pleasant. Sensitive surfaces are protected when the box is set down – yet the textile box is still very robust. The box and the tools will even survive a fall unscathed.

Bits assortment, Bit-Check 30 Diamond 1
30 pieces

Bits assortment, Bit-Check 30 Diamond 1
30 pieces

Bits with tiny diamond particles on the bit tip. This ensures a secure fit in the screw head, reduces the contact pressure required and lowers the risk of slipping. BiTorsion bits with an elastic torsion zone – where kinetic energy is diverted from peak loads – and softer BiTorsion zone to prevent the bit tip from twisting under high strain. This greatly extends the product service life. Comes with Rapidaptor technology, which allows bits to be attached without any need to actuate the sleeve. The removal of the bit is simple, just by pushing the sleeve forward – for rapid bit change with just one hand. For insertion in the power screwdriver or into the chuck of the power drill. The multi-component Bit-Check is convincing on account of its low weight and the maximum possible degree of compactness. In this respect, the soft material in the lower section of the Bit-Check ensures that the bits are securely held whilst being simple to remove at the same time. The profile and size of the bits are easy to recognise thanks to the Wera "Take it easy" Tool Finder with its colour coding and clearly visible imprint.

Tork Aletleri

9530 Isı/Klima Sistemleri için Tork Anahtarı Seti

9530 Isı/Klima Sistemleri için Tork Anahtarı Seti

4 parçalı set; yüzey dostu, yüksek sağlamlığa sahip kompakt kumaş kılıf/çanta içinde. Basitleştirilmiş mobilite için düşük hacim ve ağırlık.<br/> 1 adet Click-Torque 10-100 Nm tork anahtarı, 3 adet 14x18 mm değiştirilebilir geçmeli kendinden ayarlı açık ağız tork ucu, ±% 4 torklama hassasiyetine sahip. DIN EN ISO 6789-1: 2017-07 uyarınca, saat yönünde ve saat yönünün tersine sıkma imkanı; istenen tork değerinin kolay ayarlanması ve sabitlenmesi (yalnızca Newton metre cinsinden ince ölçek); ayarlanan tork değerine ulaşıldığında sesli ve hissedilebilir uyarı ve serbest bırakma mekanizması; Ergonomik çift bileşenli sap, cırcır fonksiyonlu kendinden ayarlı 3 adet Joker 6004 açık ağız tork ucu 7880.

9524 Photovoltaic mounting tool set 1

9524 Photovoltaic mounting tool set 1

Fotovoltaik sistemlerin montajı için 7 parçalı alet seti. 3,0-6,0 Nm aralığında 1 adet torklu tornavida 7442 (Pistol Saplı). 1 adet Rapidaptor bits tutucu 889/4/1 F, sağa doğru sıkarken gereksiz düşme olmadan özellikle hızlı geri dönüş hareketi için serbest dönüş fonksiyonlu. 1 adet Joker 6003 kombine anahtar. Solar konektör MC4 (Multi-Contact) için 2 adet montaj anahtarı. Yerleşik konektörlerin montajı için 1 adet 17 numara 1/2" kare soketli yarık lokma. Manüel kullanımlı lokma tutucu adaptörü (1/4" ve 1/2").

7510/14 Safe-Torque Speed Tool set for carbide inserts

7510/14 Safe-Torque Speed Tool set for carbide inserts

14 parçalı set<br/> Kolay hızlı tork ayarına sahip bir adet Safe-Torque Speed ​​7510 torklu tornavida ile TORX®, TORX PLUS® ve altıgen soket vidalar için 13 adet 25 mm uzunluğunda sert bits içeren katlanır kılıf<br/>Karbür uçların kolay değiştirilmesi için özellikle uygundur.

Safe-Torque A 2 Set 1, 1/4" hexagonal, 2-12 Nm

Safe-Torque A 2 Set 1, 1/4" hexagonal, 2-12 Nm

23-teilig; in oberflächenschonender, kompakter textiler Box mit hoher Robustheit. Geringes Volumen und Gewicht für vereinfachte Mobilität.<br />1 Safe-Torque A 2 Drehmomentschlüssel mit 1/4"-Sechskantantrieb, Messbereich 2-12 Nm; für kontrollierten Rechts- und Linksanzug; Anziehen und Lösen mit und ohne Drehmoment, ausschaltbare Drehmomentfunktion (Torque Lock Funktion); 72 Zähne; niedriger Rückholwinkel von 5°; einfache Einstellung und Sicherung des gewünschten Drehmomentwertes, mit hör- und fühlbarem Einrasten bei Erreichen der Skalenwerte, überrutschender Auslösemechanismus bei Erreichen des eingestellten Drehmomentwerts; ergonomischer 2-Komponenten Griff; 9 Zyklop-Nüsse, 12 Bits (1/4“, 50 mm lang), 1 Verbindungsteil für Steckschlüsseleinsätze (1/4"-Außensechskant auf 1/4"-Außenvierkant).

Safe-Torque A 1 Set 1
1/4" square head drive, 2-12 Nm

Safe-Torque A 1 Set 1
1/4" square head drive, 2-12 Nm

10-teiliger 1/4" Drehmomentschlüssel-Satz in robuster textiler Box; Drehmomentschlüssel mit Überrutschmechanik. Nach Erreichen des eingestellten Drehmomentwertes kann das Werkzeug nicht überzogen werden, so dass das Aufbringen eines zu hohen Drehmomentes ausgeschlossen ist. Einstellbereich von 2 bis 12 Nm für kontrollierten Rechts- und Linksanzug. Einfache Einstellung und Sicherung des Vorgabewertes: Das hör- und fühlbare Einrasten bei Erreichen der Skalenwerte erleichtert zusätzlich die sichere Einstellung des gewünschten Drehmomentwertes. Mit Torque Lock Funktion zur Nutzung als Standardknarre ohne Drehmomentfunktion. Kann somit auch für Drehwinkel-Anwendungen genutzt werden. Max. Bruchdrehmoment des ¼“ Vierkant gemäß DIN 3122. Der Rückholwinkel beträgt nur 5°, so dass die Knarre auch in engen Arbeitssituationen eingesetzt werden kann. Enthalten sind: Drehmomentschlüssel Safe-Torque A 1, 1/4" Vierkant, 2-12 Nm, 8 Nüsse mit 1/4" Antrieb und 1 kurze Verlängerung.

Click-Torque C 3 set 2 for cement screwdriving
11-piece set

Click-Torque C 3 set 2 for cement screwdriving
11-piece set

11-piece set for fitting security-relevant cement screws with defined torque moments as per screw manufacturer instructions. With Take it easy tool finder with colour coding and size stamping - for easy and fast location of the required tool.

Bicycle Set Torque 1
16 pieces

Bicycle Set Torque 1
16 pieces

The 16-piece set from the screwdriving tool specialist Wera solves the most important screwdriving problems associated with bicycles, with reliable control of applied torque to protect sensitive components. With a click-torque wrench in the unmistakable Wera design. Very robust design with high accuracy as per DIN EN ISO 6789-1: 2017-07. Easy setting and saving of the default values. The audible and tactile snapping on reaching the scale values also facilitates the safe setting of the desired torque values. The robust release mechanism guarantees a clearly audible and tactile trigger signal when the set torque is reached. For clockwise torque-control and with a reversible 45-tooth ratchet. The torque wrench is extremely space-saving and supplemented with accessories that are suitable for the torque range and adapted to the most common screwed connections on bicycles; in a robust, surface-friendly textile box. Included are: Click Torque A 5, 1/4", 2.5 - 25 Nm, 4 sockets with 1/4" drive, 7 Hex Plus hexagon bit sockets and 4 TORX® bit sockets. Sockets and bit sockets with "Take it easy“ tool finder with colour coding by size - for easy and quick location of the required tool. Bit sockets with holding function for extra comfortable screwdriving without the screw falling off the tool. Incredibly compact arrangement for a lot of tools in a small space. Textile box with very high robustness and longevity. Additional surface protection through the textile outer material. Low weight and volume for easier mobility. Bit sockets with all the benefits of Wera bit technology such as fitting accuracy, wear resistance and concentric run-out properties.

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  • Web sitesinin işlevselliği için gerekli olan çerezler ve hizmetler. Bunlar devre dışı bırakılamaz!
  • Bilgiler here.com'a aktarılır.
  • Bilgiler youtube.com'a aktarılır.
  • Coğrafi konumlandırma için bir coğrafi veri tabanı kullanıyoruz.
  • Wera Artırılmış Gerçeklik (AR) için bilgiler scanblue.com'a aktarılır.
  • Bilgiler Werarium için my.matterport.com adresine aktarılır.

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